Walker’s new book, Bound by BDSM: What Practitioners can teach Everyone about Building a Happier Life, which is coauthored with Arielle Kuperberg, is due in print Fall 2025. The book shows how BDSM is more than just kink. It’s a blueprint for better relationships, deeper connections, and a stronger sense of community. Through trust, communication, and clear boundaries, BDSM practitioners create fulfilling relationships and richer lives. With engaging stories and research, this book reveals unexpected lessons anyone can use to enhance intimacy, self-awareness, and belonging.
Walker’s second book focuses on men's experiences with infidelity called Chasing Masculinity: Men, Validation, and Infidelity published by Palgrave-Macmillan. This book examines men’s experiences with participation in outside partnerships. Chasing Masculinity has been discussed in The Sun, Vice, The Globe and Mail, and Medium, among others.
Her debut monograph, The Secret Life of the Cheating Wife: Power, Pragmatism, and Pleasure in Women's Infidelity, is about women's navigation of outside partnerships alongside primary partnerships, and gives voices to women's lived experiences. The book has been discussed in articles published in The New York Times and CNN, among others.
Her next solo book project looks at women who self-describe as "highly sexual.” She is also coauthoring a sociology of sexuality textbook with Arielle Kuperberg.
She has a number of research studies in progress.